Social Poker - Born in the Poker Boom
The Free Poker Network is a Social Poker phenomenon that was born out of the "poker boom" in 2004 to offer bars and casual players an entertaining yet competitive free-play league night for enjoying the game of Texas Holdem. The Free Poker Network system offers bars and hosts of free games a backend application to manage and promote their games with a seasonal Championship promotion.
Over the years, there have been many wonderful success stories, and many more friendships created.
The Free Poker Network continues to deliver great promotions season after season. With over 200 leagues and 15,000+ current players, FPN Leagues have become a popular and entertaining path for social poker players to chase their dreams of poker stardom. The most recent national champion, Marian Massman from Billy's Corner Bar in Vergas, MN, won $25,000 cash in a $100,000 freeroll at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas!

Many poker league organizers have come and gone over the years, but FPN has been the time tested classic league of choice, thanks to the players, sponsors, and dedicated volunteers who share a passion for the game.
Players in the league today have MORE opportunity than ever before. With the combination of live weekly play, playoff events such as Tournament of Champions and Invitational events, players have multiple ways to qualify for national championship events.
To all the sponsoring locations and players that make the league what it is - THANK YOU!
If you are a poker enthusiast interested in establishing a free poker league in your area, please reach out we'd love to help you get started. 701-293-9400