Blackjack Dealer Training
Qualified blackjack dealers are in high demand across North Dakota, earning on average between $20 and $30 per hour with tips. Whether you need a 2nd income to pay off student loans, save money towards a down payment for a mortgage or achieve other financial goals, it’s hard to find a profession that pays well and doesn’t require a college degree. Dealers often advance to management and in North Dakota, there has never been a better time to start a career in gaming.
Picking up the skills to deal blackjack professionally can result in a lifetime of opportunity. Many charitable gaming organizations are willing to reimburse training.
Benefits to Becoming a Dealer
- Minimal training required
- No degree necessary
- Good pay
- Low cost training available
- Training reimbursement opportunities
- Fun, exciting environment
- Work available locally and all over the world

Requirements for Dealing Blackjack in North Dakota
- Must be 21
- Must pass a background check (no felonies)
How Much Can You Make?
Since the vast majority of dealing income results from tips, consider the following factors for success:
- How busy the Casino/Bar location is
- How well you treat customers
- Tip sharing policy
Getting Started
Some charitable gaming organizations offer free training. In Las Vegas, dealer school can cost $2,000 and take as much as 12 to 14 weeks to complete. FPN Gaming now offers a low-cost training solution for ONLY $250 and upon successful completion can assist with placement and reimbursement upon successful hiring.
- Cost: $250
- 15 total hours of training broken into 3 hour sessions with professional trainer
- Limited to groups of 4 to 6 trainees at a time
- Fun, no pressure atmosphere
- Reimbursement of training fees upon successful certification and placement
- Covers basics of North Dakota charitable gaming rules and regulations regarding blackjack and other common games (pull tab jars, bingo, and others).
Contact Dana Castaneda (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or call 701-293-9400 to get started.